Our Products



We supply the best beans according to your taste

BlendCoffee is a family business, headquartered in Linhares, in the north of the state of Espírito Santo, with over 30 years in the market, operating in the commercialization and export of grains such as: Conilon Coffee, Black Pepper, Cocoa and Cloves.

Currently, European countries. Asians and North Americans are the main importers of our grains. Learn more about the products we work with.


It's most common variety is Robusta, better known in Brazil as Conilon


In order to understand the origin of the name  conilon , it is first important to say that there are numerous plant varieties that make up the Coffea canephora species  . For example, two important varieties of this species are ‘kouillou’ and ‘robusta’. The robusta variety has, among other characteristics, larger leaves and internodes than the kouillou variety and also has greater economic importance in the world.

The variety ‘kouillou’ was named after it, as it was found by the French in the wild in 1980, on the banks of the river “Kouilou”, in Congo (Africa). In Brazil, with its introduction in Espírito Santo, the ‘kouillou’ variety was called conilon, replacing the letters “k” and “u” by “c” and “n”, respectively.

The conilon belongs to the Guineano group, and has great variability in relation to size, branched stems, mature leaves with shorter length and width than other varieties of the species, new leaves with a bronze coloration, red or yellow fruits when ripe and seeds of different sizes varied (Fazuoli, 1986). Alone, the conilon variety accounts for approximately 30% of national production and 70% of Espírito Santo coffee production .

It’s main destination is the domestic market, whether for industrialization as instant coffee or to compose blends with Arabica, in the roasted and ground coffee industry.


Originally from Portugal, it was named after the colonization of Brazil


Black pepper (Piper nigrum) in Brazil is known as black pepper . The grain, of Asian origin, was called pepper from Portugal during the colonial period. After colonization in Brazil, it was called black pepper, as it came from Portugal and then from the kingdom.

The spice was widely used in royal cooking, as it resisted longer on long journeys by ship. The seasoning is marketed worldwide on a large scale. During colonization there was a strong pepper trade. At the time, the spice had its value so high that it was used as currency. The grain came to be worth at the time as gold. In the Middle Ages pepper was used to mask the taste of decaying food. It is currently used in the meat and canning industry.

Pepper has a slightly spicy taste. Dried and ground beans are used in cooking in many parts of the world. Today Brazil is known as one of the biggest pepper producers in the kingdom. It is a great spice, as well as a natural medicine that has analgesic, anti-inflammatory and healing properties in the case of ulcers. Also acting in cancer prevention, fighting depression, obesity, and hypertension. That spicy pepper flavor has health-benefiting attributes.


Cocoa fruit is used as a raw material in the production of chocolate.


Cocoa was first cited in botanical literature in the early 17th century as Cacao fructus by Charles de L’ecluse .
The initial contact of Europeans with cocoa was in 1502, when one of the ships of Columbus’ fourth expedition to the Americas found a native canoe containing cocoa beans for trade off the north coast of present-day Honduras.

Vasco de Mascarenhas confessed, in a letter sent to the Captain-General of Grão Pará, that he was “in love with chocolate” and considered it useful for Brazil to intensify its planting, especially in Bahia, due to the climate similar to that of the Amazon.
Its value was small in relation to total provincial exports, but cocoa was one of the rare agricultural products to grow in importance in Bahia’s revenue in the 19th century.

In the first decades of the 20th century, cocoa was Bahia’s most important export product and several farmers from humble origins, owners of vast cocoa plantations and important commercial houses, became the new rich of Bahian society.
In the 1930s, cocoa farmers are presented as a group of men who had worked to build regional wealth, despite enormous economic and social difficulties.

This variety gave great impetus to cacao production due to its lesser demands on ecological conditions, which made it possible to plant the fruit in areas considered to be of lesser condition for its development.
The cabruca system is characterized by the planting of cocoa under the shade of Atlantic Forest trees and has been used in the cocoa region of southern Bahia for over two hundred years.

He is responsible for the conservation of biodiversity, soil and water, and forest production and for the production of seeds, oils, resins, flowers and other non-wood products.
In 1990, southern Bahian production suffered from the “witch’s broom” which, together with the declining prices of the product on the international market, generated a strong crisis in the sector.

Currently, the creation of the Southern Bahia Cocoa Geographical Indication seeks to protect and revalue cocoa Superior Bahia, conserve the biodiversity of the Atlantic Forest associated with cocoa plantations and protect the heritage related to cocoa cultivation, in addition to the sustainable development of agriculture and the tourism through certification processes and territorial marketing.


It's a tree native to the Moluccas Islands in Indonesia.


The clove (Syzygium aromaticum) is a tropical evergreen tree, which means that it keeps its leaves throughout the year. The buds of its flowers, when dried, are used as a spice, for medicinal purposes and in cosmetics. The dried bud is also called cloves.

The clove is believed to have originated in the Moluccas Islands in Indonesia. The island of Zanzibar, which is part of Tanzania, is the world’s largest producer of cloves. Madagascar and Indonesia are also producers. In Brazil, Bahia is the main commercial producer.

The clove tree reaches between 8 and 12 meters in height. Its leaves are small, and the flowers begin to grow when the tree is five years old. A tree can produce up to 34 kilos of cloves per year. Buds are hand-picked in late summer and winter and then dried in the sun.

Buttons range in length from approximately 13 to 19 millimeters. Cloves have a strong aroma. It is used in many foods, especially baked goods and sweets. In many countries, it is a characteristic ingredient of Christmas recipes. The buds also contain an oil that can be used in the preparation of anesthetics, perfumes, sweeteners, and germ-killing products.

In ancient times, in China, cloves were used to perfume the breath. During the Middle Ages, carnations were used in Europe to preserve, season and decorate food. In the early seventeenth century, the Dutch, then dominating Indonesia, eliminated cloves from all islands except the islands of Amboina and Ternate in the Moluccas archipelago. Its purpose was to create scarcity and keep prices high—like other spices, cloves were very valuable at that time; the less harpsichord there was, the more the Dutch could charge for it. However, in the second half of the 18th century, the French took the cloves from the East Indies to be planted in other parts of the world, ending the Dutch monopoly.